Take care actions for VietBuild kiosk construction agent using Apollo glue.
Apollo Silicone shared the message and the wills to accompany and develop with customers. No one understands construction agents better than us, we know that only construction agents have sufficient knowledge and are able to evaluate building materials. We are also grateful to be chosen by construction agents.
We proudly announce that in 100% of 1800 VietBuild kiosks use Apollo silicone in construction, except for 2-3 other silicone brands’ kiosks (they use their own products). This further affirms the strong position of Apollo Silicone in the market. Thus, we respect the support of every single customer, partners, distributors and are willing to accompany you in further development.
Today we send you gifts as a spiritual support, but it contains the hope of a brighter future together beyond that. Thank you, our valued customers that support Apollo Silicone.