Year End Party 2017


Occasionally, after one year of trying hard, the year end is the time for us to review the outcomes. Consequently, the Year End Party is the opportunity for us to review what we did and achieved in 2017 and greet a new year ahead.

Year End Party QHA 2017


Year End Party QHA 2017

Leaving behind all the pressure, deadlines, KPI,..The Year End Party is the occasion to relax, enjoy, share desires of personal future and the common development of the company. The Year End Party marked milestones achieved by Quoc Huy Anh Corp and engaged all member


Year End Party QHA 2017

Year End Party QHA 2017

Year End Party QHA 2017

Year End Party QHA 2017

Year End Party QHA 2017

Year End Party QHA 2017

Year End Party QHA 2017


The Year End Party is also the occasion to praise individuals, teams that had excellent performances and are dedicated to help the company significantly progress. What we had today is the contribution from all staff. In recognition of this effort, Quoc Huy Anh Joint Stock Company is pleased to honor and award valuable rewards to outstanding and advanced employees in the past year.

Year End Party QHA 2017

Year End Party QHA 2017

Year End Party QHA 2017

All the activities in the party are inspired from daily tasks. This is also the opportunity for people to show talents and immerse in the joyful and celebrative atmosphere.

Year End Party QHA 2017

Year End Party QHA 2017

Year End Party QHA 2017

Year End Party QHA 2017

Year End Party QHA 2017


The cosy party occurred with a joyful and warm atmosphere. New Year is when we say goodbye to the previous year and greet a new year ahead. Leaving all behind, all staff of Quoc Huy Anh together said goodbye to 2017. May we wish Quoc Huy Anh Corp a new year of success and victory.

Year End Party QHA 2017

Year End Party QHA 2017

Year End Party QHA 2017


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