Announcement of Hung Vuong Ancestor's Anniversary March 10, 2020


Announcement of Hung Vuong Ancestor's Anniversary March 10, 2020

The history of more than four thousand years of civilization of the Vietnamese nation started with Hung Vuong's merit - the king of Van Lang in Lac Viet. The effort was remembered by Vietnamese people and became a good cultural tradition.

Ancestor's Anniversary March 10 this year takes place in a very special moment when the people of the whole country are with the government to push up the Covid-19 pandemic in the spirit of "anti covid like anti-enemy". Phong Chau (Phu Tho) and other localities not only must ensure solemn, sincere, economical but they also have to strictly implement measures for prevention and control of Covid-19 under the guidelines of the Government and the Ministry of Health. In particular, the incense offering ceremony will not organize the procession of the palanquin, not live on television and limit attendance delegates to avoid concentrating crowds. Mr. Ho Dai Dung, Vice Chairman of Phu Tho Provincial People's Committee, Head of the Organizing Committee said.

Therefore, let's commemorate the heroic king with the highest consciousness of pandemic prevention. Let's avoid gathering, traveling like in the past while fighting against "the enemy" Covid-19, continuing to "hold the country" that the Vietnamese ancestors have developed.

APOLLO Silicone and Paperone wish our customers, partners and employees a meaningful and safe holiday party with your beloved!

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